Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cabbage Casserole

This recipe changed my opinion of cabbage. I ate this at The Dillard House in Dillard Georgia in the summer of 2004. My husband and I used to travel to Franklin, North Carolina in the summers for golf and vacation. He had never been to The Dillard House, so we had to stop in. He was amazed at the amount of food and how delicious it all was. I tried the cabbage casserole that day and was surprised at how much I loved it. I have loved cabbage ever since that day.

Growing up in my southern family, we always ate big meals on Sundays after church. Mom would get up before sunrise and start Sunday dinner(actually it was lunch, but we called it dinner). People from church would always end up at our house, because there was always plenty. The Dillard House reminds me of mom's Sunday dinners. Each time I pass through Dillard Georgia I make a point to stop in for another wonderful meal. On my last visit I noticed The Dillard House Cookbook and knew I had to leave with one in my possession.

Once I was home from that last visit, I decided to cook something from the cookbook. The first thing I noticed was the cabbage casserole. It took me about three times to get it right, but I finally did. It is a wonderful side dish. The key is making the white sauce thick. Once you have mastered that skill, you have it. Hope this recipe brings you warmth and delight as it has for me.

1 LARGE head of cabbage
1 t salt
1/2 stick margarine
3 Cups basic white sauce(below)
2 Cups grated cheddar cheese
1 1/2 cups buttered bread crumbs

Shred cabbage. Cook 5 to 8 minutes in boiling water with 1 t salt. Don't overcook; cabbage should remain crisp. Drain well. Layer cabbage in buttered 2 qt casserole dish-cabbage, enough white sauce to cover, then cheese, repeat, then cover top with bread crumbs. Bake in preheated oven at 300 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Basic White Sauce

1 cup margarine
3 T all purpose flour
Salt and Pepper
1 quart milk

Melt margarine in a sauce pot over low to med heat, add flour, salt, and pepper to make a paste.
Add milk and cook until thick, stirring constantly.

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